Around this time last year, I won a copy of the Snowman’s Guide to Personal Finance by Steven Arnott (thanks Kari!).
This little book popped up on a couple Canadian personal finance blogs I enjoy in early 2020. I enjoyed Kari’s Q&A with the author and the other reviews I read, so I threw my name in the hat…and actually won!
The book arrived just as the snow melted and spring began. And even it’s a personal finance book, not a seasonal read, I couldn’t bring myself to pick up a book with snowman in the title after an east coast winter.
If you’re from here, you know what I’m saying.
Several months later, winter has come back around and it finally felt like the right time to pick up this book. A quick read, I finished it in a couple sittings and today, I wanted to share some of my thoughts.
Disclaimer: As mentioned right off the top, I won a copy of this book, so I didn’t pay for it. That being said, the decision to read and review the book here was my choice. A review was not requested and I’m not being compensated for writing one.
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