I’ve never been one to track my spending.
Let me clarify: I’ve never been one to track my spending in precise detail.
In fact, our budget is designed in a way that makes it possible to avoid doing so; after all the bills are paid, I have a line that I call miscellaneous which is how we pay for more variable expenses, like gas and food (I wrote more about that here, if you’re curious about how our budget works).
It’s definitely not zero-based budgeting, but it has been working for us/
However, the further along we go in our debt-free journey, the more I have found myself asking the big question:
Where, exactly, is all our money even going?!
Our budget gives a good sense of the answer to that question, but I wanted more details.
So in November, I embarked on what I called tracktember – a full month of tracking all my spending. You can read more about the parameters of the exercise here.
Today, I am following up on the promise to report back on how it went.
Spoiler alert: it went OK.
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