Paying back debt has been a big part of our lives for the last couple years.
We started our debt-free journey about with about $65K of debt. Fast-forward about three years (give or take a month or two) and we’re working away on our last $30K.
It’s fitting that it’s called the debt-free journey because it has certainly been just that.
It has not always been easy or fun, but it would be fair to say we have learned a lot over the course of our debt repayment. This is especially when it comes to our outlook and ideas regarding money.
Alyssa at Mixed Up Money wrote a post talking about finance tips she once loved, but now doesn’t. I found it really interesting. I agreed with a lot of what she had to say and found her “what to do instead” tips useful.
The post made me think about my own beliefs about personal finance and how they have developed and changed over time.
So, loosely inspired by that post, here’s a look at four things I used to believe about paying back debt that I don’t believe anymore.
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