Considering the story behind the name of this blog, it should not surprise you to learn I love cheesy jokes.
Dad jokes, bad puns, jokes so stupid they’re funny — I’m here for it all. In a world where crude humour is increasingly the norm, cheesy jokes are refreshing.
And admit it: they can be pretty funny — especially ones that hit deep, like this one:
“I’m glad I learned about parallelograms instead of how to do taxes. It really comes in handy this parallelogram season.”
I could swap out parallelograms with any number of things I learned in grade school — how to play the recorder, the difference between a limerick and a haiku, the rules of soccer baseball. These things were useless to me then and remain useless to me now.
Meanwhile, important life skills — including those related to money management –were left largely up to me to figure out on my own.
Needless to say, the list of things I wish I had learned in school about personal finance is long.